The Variegated Lipstick Plant (Aeschynanthus radicans 'Variegata') is a stunning tropical plant known for its dramatic, trailing vines, bright blooms, and variegated foliage. With its unique blend of green, cream, and sometimes pink hues on the leaves, this beauty makes a bold statement in any indoor space. Here’s a complete guide to help your Variegated Lipstick Plant thrive!
1. Overview
Botanical Name | Aeschynanthus radicans ‘Variegata’ |
Name | Variegated Lipstick Plant |
Plant Type | Evergreen perennial |
Size | Trails up to 2–3 feet indoors |
Foliage Color | Green with cream and pink variegation |
Light Requirements | Bright, indirect light |
Pet-Friendly | Yes, non-toxic to pets |
Flower Color | Red or orange, resembling lipstick tubes |
With its trailing habit and vibrant tubular flowers, the Variegated Lipstick Plant is a favorite among houseplant enthusiasts. This plant’s unique leaf pattern and eye-catching blooms bring tropical vibes indoors.
2. Ideal Growing Conditions
The Variegated Lipstick Plant loves bright, indirect light. Too much direct sunlight can scorch its leaves, especially since variegated varieties are more sensitive. An east or north-facing window is ideal. If lighting is too low, you might see a reduction in flowering and slower growth.
This tropical plant prefers temperatures between 65-75°F (18-24°C) during the day and no lower than 55°F (13°C) at night. Protect it from drafts and temperature fluctuations, especially in winter.
The Variegated Lipstick Plant thrives in moderate to high humidity. It’s happiest in a humid environment, so aim for 50% or higher humidity. In drier climates or during winter, use a humidifier, pebble tray, or misting to keep its environment humid.
3. Soil and Potting
A well-draining, airy potting mix is crucial. A blend of orchid bark, perlite, and peat-based potting soil works well, as it retains moisture while allowing excess water to drain.
Choose a pot with drainage holes to prevent root rot, and consider a hanging planter to showcase its trailing vines. Repot every 1-2 years or when roots start to outgrow the pot, ideally in the spring.
4. Watering Requirements
The Variegated Lipstick Plant prefers consistent moisture but is sensitive to overwatering. Water when the top inch of soil feels dry; it may need watering weekly during warmer months and less often in winter. Avoid letting it sit in water, as this can cause root rot.
5. Fertilizing Tips
Feed your Variegated Lipstick Plant during the growing season (spring and summer) with a balanced, diluted liquid fertilizer every 4-6 weeks. Avoid fertilizing in fall and winter, as the plant’s growth naturally slows.
6. Pruning and Maintenance
Prune lightly in spring to maintain its shape and encourage fuller growth. Trimming back long vines promotes bushier growth, and removing any dead or damaged leaves helps the plant focus its energy on healthy foliage.
7. Encouraging Blooms
The lipstick plant produces vibrant, tube-shaped flowers reminiscent of a lipstick tube, hence its name. For optimal blooming:
Provide consistent bright, indirect light.
Ensure moderate humidity levels.
Avoid temperature fluctuations.
Feed regularly during the growing season.
If you notice reduced flowering, try increasing light exposure slightly and verify that it’s getting enough humidity.
8. Common Problems and Troubleshooting
Yellow Leaves
Yellowing leaves often indicate overwatering or poor drainage. Check the soil moisture and adjust your watering routine as needed.
Brown Leaf Tips
Brown tips are usually a sign of low humidity or underwatering. Increase humidity around the plant and adjust your watering schedule to prevent this.
Leggy Growth
If your plant starts to look sparse, it may be due to low light. Move it to a spot with more indirect sunlight to encourage fuller growth.
While generally pest-resistant, the Variegated Lipstick Plant can occasionally attract pests like aphids, spider mites, or mealybugs. Inspect regularly, and treat with insecticidal soap or neem oil if needed.
9. Propagation
Propagating the Variegated Lipstick Plant is simple, best done with stem cuttings:
Take a 3–4 inch cutting below a node, ideally in spring or summer.
Remove the lower leaves and place the cutting in water or directly into moist soil.
Keep it in a warm, humid area with bright, indirect light.
Roots should develop in about 3-4 weeks, and once established, you can transplant it into its pot.
10. Final Thoughts
The Variegated Lipstick Plant is a low-maintenance, visually appealing plant perfect for indoor spaces. With its lush trailing vines and colorful blooms, it brings a touch of the tropics into your home. Given the right conditions and care, this unique plant will reward you with beautiful foliage and vibrant flowers.